Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) along with the previous
FAST Act and earlier highway bills require that each MPO and state develop
a multimodal transportation plan with at least a 20-year horizon. The plan
must be updated at least every five years to keep consistent with existing
conditions, re-evaluate proposed plans, programs, and projects, and validate
air quality conformity analysis should the region become non-attainment
under the Environmental Protection Administration regulations. It also
includes an analysis of the existing transportation system for all modes as
well as a constrained financial plan for prioritized projects over the life of
the plan. The plan shall “include both long-range and short-range program
strategies/actions that lead to the development of an integrated intermodal
transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and
In November of 2024, the Policy Board adopted the Forward 50
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) containing a multimodal needs plan
for the entire MPO region and a financially constrained project plan. The
plan also contains a discussion of regional land use and its effects on the
transportation system that continue to build on goals and objectives.
The purpose of the Forward 50 Plan is to build upon the findings and
initiatives identified in the Forward 45 MTP and to detail the multimodal
transportation improvements and programs to be carried out within the
Permian Basin during the plan’s timeframe and demonstrate the financial
means within the MPO area by which these improvements and programs will
be implemented.
This MTP is therefore a key product of the Permian Basin MPO planning
process and provides a conceptual basis and specifics for the transportation
improvements planned for implementation by the year 2050. For a project
to be eligible to receive federal transportation funds within the MPO’s
jurisdiction, it must be included in the financially constrained portion of the
MTP along with other short-term documents such as the Transportation
Improvement Program and the TxDOT ten-year Unified Transportation